Full-Stack Developer

7+ Years

Murat Güney | Full-Stack DeveloperMurat Güney | Full-Stack Developer
Work Experience

YourFit by 3DLOOK

I worked on both the web and the mobile app. Implemented Capacitor and developed native plugins: Camera (Tensorflow Models), Lottie Splash Scren, App Variant Detector (App Clip/Instant App). Setup CI/CD via Ionicframework for the mobile apps. Optimized the app to keep the app size under 10mb for App Clip(iOS) and Instant App(Android). Integrated Apollo Client and created GraphQL queries. Integrated graphql-codegen for Hasura based on the app environment variables. Created the app pages from Figma with pixel-perfect approach and Typescript and NextJS.
  • React
  • NextJS
  • GraphQL
  • Hasura
  • Apollo
  • Capactior
  • Swift
  • Java
  • Kotlin


I worked on both the web and the mobile app. Implemented Capacitor and developed native plugins: Lottie Splash Scren, App Variant Detector (App Clip/Instant App). Setup CI/CD via Ionicframework for the mobile apps. Optimized the app to keep the app size under 10mb for App Clip(iOS) and Instant App(Android). Integrated Apollo Client and created GraphQL queries. Integrated graphql-codegen for Hasura based on the app environment variables. Created the app pages from Figma with pixel-perfect approach and Typescript and NextJS. Worked on advanced spring animations and gestures with react-spring and react-use-gesture
  • React
  • NextJS
  • GraphQL
  • Hasura
  • Apollo
  • Capactior
  • Swift
  • Java
  • Kotlin

Presidency of Turkey, Presidency of Strategy and Budget

I developed several web pages that allows all institutions and organizations in Turkey to coordinate their annual budget and strategic plan. Developerd client-side session management. Created Excel reports with C#. Created queries for the reports and the pages with Microsoft SQL Server. Integrated and customized AG Grid.
  • Javascript
  • C#
  • ASP.Net
  • Microsoft SQL Server


I developed and designed a drive application based on WebDAV protocol that managed files and folders. Created React client for WebDAV protocol. Designed the UI with Fluent UI. Created endpoints for getting the information of the files with .NET Core.
  • React
  • Redux
  • .NET Core
  • Fluent UI

IOTA Information Technologies

I developed and designed the pages with React, Redux and Material UI. Created queries with PostgreSQL for a framework which allows the developers create endpoints for each query. Optimized the queries and the tables in the database. Integrated Recharts. Worked and developed rolebased management.
  • React
  • Redux
  • Material UI
  • Java
  • PostgreSQL
Freelance Works


Setup front-end structure and the logic in the mobile app with React Native. Managed user sessions. Visualized the data of the automation with Recharts. Designed the user interface.
  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Recharts


Setup front-end structure and the logic in the app with React. Managed user sessions. Visualized the data of the automation with Recharts. Designed the user interface with Ant Design.
  • React
  • Redux
  • Ant Design


Setup front-end structure and the logic in the mobile app with React Native. Managed user sessions. Visualized the data of the test results with Recharts. Designed the user interface with pixel-perfect approach from Figma. Developed the quiz logic
  • React Native
  • Redux